Saturday, September 6, 2014

From The Other Mother: An Open Letter Response

It's funny how God works, crossing the paths of certain people at a specific time in a way that seems to be all coincidental and then you start to peel back the layers and you realize this was no coincidence. Something that person said or did impacted my journey in a significant way or vice versa. I have a sweet and precious friend that read my post An Open Letter to the Other Woman, and she shared with me her adoption story. She has a different perspective than I do because you see, she is someone else's Other Mother. She shared with me her heartfelt letter that she wrote somewhat in response to my letter. This friend of mine is beautiful and brave but she asked to remain anonymous so as to not potentially hurt members of her family who are unaware that she carried a baby and made the difficult decision to place him for adoption. Her story may not be like all of The Other Mothers because is her story. I feel blessed and honored knowing without a doubt that she has impacted my journey simply by sharing her story with me.

From The Other Mother:

Thank you. These two words are so little and often, so overused, but I want you to know that they are so full of so much meaning...from me to you.
We share something, a connection that no other women can share. Though we have never met, I love you. I love you for raising our baby. I love you for loving our baby. 
Thank you for wiping tears. Thank you for teaching Jesus. Thank you for playing games. But most importantly, and the greatest thank you I have from the deepest part of my heart, thank you for being mommy.
I want you to know that one of the most difficult things for me to say is our… our baby. Yes, I am the birth mother. I gave birth to a beautiful baby. But I was not at a place in my life to be a mother.  You were at a place where you wanted – needed - to be a mother. Our baby was at place where he needed to be doubly loved. In God’s perfect way, He designed those places to all be in alignment with each other.  He allowed me to be a part of the blessing of you becoming mommy. He allowed me to be a part of the blessing of bringing a child into your home.
I think about you often. I think about you on Mother’s Day, on the birthday of our baby, on first days of school, on every holiday, on days that end in Y. I think about everything that you have experienced or will experience with our baby and I am grateful that God put YOU there for our baby. You specifically. Not just anyone, but you. You were chosen to be mommy. I was chosen to be the other mother. While I know you cling to the title MOMMY with honor and grace. I cherish being the other mother. I am amazed that God chose me to be a part of the blessing of this trinity, mommy, baby and the other mother. 
You are mommy. I am the one that is so incredibly blessed to know that you are mommy. In my heart, I am confident that our baby is exactly where he is meant to be, where God planned for him to be, right there in your lap with your gentle caress carrying him off to dreamland.
As you say your prayers and our baby, pray for the other mother, and  know I pray for you both. I thank Him for connecting us all in a way that we will never be separated.
Go, raise our baby. Love our baby. Cherish our baby. Be mommy to your baby… and I will be the other mother to your baby.

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