Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The First

Welcome to my blog! According to George, my husband and personal computer geek, this blog has been a long time coming. For the past several years, George has been encouraging (and by encouraging, I mean nagging) me to start a blog and I, like any other self-respecting technologically resistant person have been dragging my feet. Well, he has finally convinced me to join the legions of bloggers out in cyberworld. Who knows? George is probably right in that I will actually enjoy it--it is really just another medium for writing. Afterall, he was right about texting being a convenient form of communication and the English language has not completely deteriorated into abbreviations. (I just recently started texting. I fought it off as long as I could but when your oldest starts middle school *sigh*, it helps to get on board the texting bandwagon.)

There is also another reason to text and blog and it is one that feeds into my world of delusions. I realized that if I am going to successfully continue to lie about my age, I need to stay a little more current than I have in previous years. If texting and blogging can make me seem younger or at least make me think I appear younger then I will text and by golly, I will blog! Yes, lying about my age is becoming increasingly more challenging. I am making the transition from just out right lying about my age to just not sharing my age when asked. My mother, in all her wisdom, pointed out that should I continue to tell people I am 26, they are going to think I have lived a hard life. I certainly don't want people to mutter things like, "That Allison really looks rough for her age." So texting, blogging and omission are now the way to go.

Thanks for visiting. Feel free to join me as I muddle my way through  this blog.


  1. What a hoot! I loved reading your blog and are looking forward to seeing future literary contributions.

  2. Thanks! I think it will be a fun little venture.
